Tooth Extraction

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Who hasn’t heard about Teeth Extraction? It is one of the most common dental methods responsible for preserving your other teeth. As the name suggests, the affected teeth are taken out from their socket (which is bony tissue). The crown and the root of the teeth are removed along with it. Tooth extraction may be necessary for various reasons, and understanding the methods used for extracting teeth can help you make an informed decision when visiting a dental clinic.

Who requires Dental Extraction Treatment?

  • If there is the presence of cavities.
  • If there is damage to the jawbone or surrounding tissue.
  • In some cases, it is done before undergoing orthodontic treatment.
  • When there are signs of periodontal disease.
  • When there is a need for Wisdom Tooth Extraction.
  • If your kid has loose milk teeth and takes a lot of time to fall.
  • When the removal of milk teeth is required.

Tooth Extraction Procedure

  • Before going forward with the removal, the expert would examine your oral section thoroughly, go through your medical history and know about the medicines you take.
  • If no changes are needed, an X-Ray would be taken to carry the process forward.
  • But if the delay is necessary due to some medicines which can hinder or affect the health of the teeth, it would be considered and postponed.
  • Once this is done, the doctor will go through the X-ray and know which and how the procedure will be needed to perform.

Types of Dental Extraction

Teeth Extractions Treatment done at Mantha Dental Care are of two types. They are based on the visibility of the tooth to be extracted :-

Simple Extraction

The Simple Extraction method is the removal of the tooth that is visible in the buccal cavity. Surgical instruments are used to loosen the tooth and the roots from the bone (alveolar) socket. Once the ligament breaks, Forceps are taken to pull it out.

Surgical Extraction

When the tooth is not visible in the oral cavity, it is either broken along the gumline or has not erupted out but is causing discomfort. The tooth stuck within the gum/bone might be infected and need Surgical Extraction. In this, a cut is made into the gums to reach out to the dentition. A small amount of bone tissue may be removed too. The tooth is extracted either as a whole or in parts (fragments).

Benefits of Tooth Extraction Treatment

  • The procedure alleviates the pain caused by any kind of infection.
  • Resolves the problem of overcrowding.
  • Treats misalignment.
  • Restores the appearance of the denture.
  • This is an alternative to root canal therapy.

Aftercare tips for Tooth Extraction Treatment

  • For some hours, do not consume hot or hard food. Eat cold and soft items. Fluids are appropriate (not hot) for consumption.
  • Let the piece of gauze put after the treatment stay in its place for some hours to create the necessary blood clot.
  • Make sure to take complete rest after one undergoes the Dental Extraction.
  • While lying, keep your head at a little elevation.
  • Take proper medication, which will alleviate pain, reduce swelling, and control infections.
  • While the clotting is happening, do not rinse your mouth, avoid sucking in anything, and do not smoke.
  • You could use a cold compress for a few hours to help numb the area so the pain will not cause you discomfort.


Teeth Extraction takes more than a week to heal. Depending on the severity and type of removal process, the healing time would range between 2-3 weeks for Simple and 4-5 weeks for Surgical. Even though the healing time is longer for the latter process, one should be extra careful till at least 72 hours post-treatment.

The extracted tooth or teeth leaves a gap that is susceptible to infection or damage or causes the adjacent denture to loosen up. It will cause other problems. To prevent the worsening of the gap, teeth implant, Crown, and Bridge Treatments or Partial Dentures are done. They have several benefits, including saving teeth from decay and restoring the perfect smile.

Dental Extractions are done under local anesthesia or conscious sedation that causes numbing of the area from where the teeth are extracted. Therefore, pain is not experienced in the treatment. The removal process itself is done to erase the pain caused by the affected tooth.

The aftereffects of treatment of Teeth Extraction are not uncommon- Minimal swelling and a little pain due to wearing off of anesthesia are likely to happen that go away after a day or two. The area of the tooth, after undergoing a removal, usually bleeds, which is prevented by biting down on a gauze piece over the gap. The given gauze piece must not be removed frequently to check the stoppage of bleeding until an hour or so. If other problems arise or pain, bleeding, and swelling are persistent, contact us.

Before Teeth Extraction, you must avoid eating and smoking for some hours. Once it is done, after the process, allow the area to clot. Do not spit because it may cause bleeding.