Our teeth are susceptible to decay and cavities, and on acquiring any such, getting dental treatment is necessary. Many people are scared of dental handpieces and hesitate to undergo treatment. There is an advanced option to treat the issues- LASER Dentistry. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, or LASER has been prevalent in medical science for preventing dental diseases and curing several teeth problems.
Manthan Dental Care provides Laser Dentistry in these fields :-
Soft tissue refers to the tissue of the gums. The property of this laser is having a high absorption capacity for water and hemoglobin, so it is beneficial when the treatment requires cutting through, removing, or sealing the gums. Its types include Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG) and Diode Laser. They treat periodontal disease, crown lengthening, gum removal, ulcer treatment, and frenectomy.
Hard tissue refers to the teeth and the bones. This technique is used when there is a need to make an incision into the tooth structure. It can remove a section of teeth structure and dental caries and treat issues involving the enamel or underneath bones. Er YAG, Er YSGG, and others are considered hard tissues.
Care after Laser Dentistry Treatment is vital and inevitable. Gum surgery, implant, or any other assisted treatment, there are tips given after Teeth Laser Treatment in Ahmedabad for taking care of the oral cavity.
The cost of Laser treatment done for teeth depends on the procedure. It varies for gum surgery, teeth implants, teeth cleaning, or another treatment. The type of laser used, the level of damage/decay, and the duration of treatments also determine the cost, besides the procedure type.
The types used in the Dental treatment of Laser in Ahmedabad are Erbium (YAG and YSGG), Carbon dioxide (CO2), and Diode. They are used depending on their requirement. The mechanisms are different, but each works efficiently and poses an impact. The experts will advise you on the best treatment.
Some patients may feel it is a bit expensive. If you already have metal or amalgam tooth filling done, you cannot opt for Laser as Teeth Treatment. It also cannot be applied to every type of dental treatment. Also, it is better to consult the dentist to understand the process in a better manner. The advantages overshadow these minimal disadvantages.
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(+91) 886 649 6857
Manthan Dental Care manages and provides a comprehensive range of dental services across Gujarat, India, ensuring that patients receive top-quality oral healthcare through advanced technology and compassionate treatment.