Teeth Cleaning​

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Nobody enjoys having bad breath. You can chew gum or eat mints to cover up the foul smell, but that is not a permanent solution. One of the most effective ways to avoid it is to practice good oral hygiene! It can be disastrous to have dental decay, loss, or discoloration. There are dental techniques to maintain the whiteness of the tooth, prevent decay, and eliminate damage to every tooth. Teeth Polishing and Teeth Cleaning offer advantages not just for appearance, but also for enhancing the health of your teeth and gums.

The Types of Teeth Cleaning Treatment are Prophylaxis, Scaling and Root Planning, Gross debridement, and Periodontal maintenance. The Types of Teeth Polishing Treatments are Therapeutic, Cosmetic, Superficial, and Selective Polishing.

Teeth Cleaning Procedure

  • It begins with an oral examination to check the presence of any decay, cavity, or scope of other dental problems.
  • The next step of the cleaning procedure is scaling the tooth-gum line with the dental scaler. The scraping will remove the tartar and plaque.
  • The specialist then begins with cleaning using prophylaxis paste for scrubbing over the tooth’ surface, similar to brushing.
  • Once the debris is removed, flossing is started, which cleans the lining and spaces between the teeth and gums to remove the remaining paste or unwanted substances.
  • The cleaning is followed by rinsing the mouth with mouthwash to remove any residue and polishing that will provide shiny teeth.
  • The process of Teeth Cleaning concludes with giving fluoride treatment to the tooth, which helps protect the tooth from cavities and decay.

What are the benefits?

Availing of Teeth Cleaning and Polishing will give you these many advantages :-

  • It enhances the overall appearance of the mouth cavity.
  • The color of the tooth is regained.
  • Each tooth looks shinier and cleaner than before.
  • It eliminates dental infections and further prevents their recurrence.
  • Solves the problem of bad breath.
  • It restores gum health.

Precautions to be taken post-treatments

Aftercare of Teeth Cleaning and Polishing Treatment is necessary. Follow these tips as aftercare :-

  • Do not eat immediately after the procedure is done. Take soft meals for 24-48 hours, and avoid eating sticky, spicy, and crunchy food for some days to prevent bleeding.
  • Brush and floss very gently (use a toothbrush with soft bristles) on the tooth surface for some days until the tenderness and numbness subside.
  • Rinse your mouth with lukewarm salt water 4-5 times a day for the first 24 hours. It is essential to keep the area around the tooth clean and infection-free.
  • Take the medicines prescribed by the dental specialist after Teeth Polishing when you experience pain and discomfort.
  • It is necessary to have follow-ups post-treatment. Do not miss out on any routine checkup at the dental hospital because follow-ups help to see the effectiveness of the treatment.


The chance of food getting stuck over teeth and along gum lines is common. Teeth also get dull in color. Teeth Cleaning (Scaling) completely removes the tartar and plaque.

Teeth Polishing Treatment is done after cleaning the teeth. This Dentistry method creates a shiny and smooth teeth appearance that lasts for a long time.

If you develop sensitivity in the tooth, which stays for a long time, visit the dentist, who will identify the cause and provide suitable remedies like Teeth Cleaning to alleviate the symptoms.

The problem of Yellow Teeth occurs when the outer layer of the teeth (enamel) begins to wear off, is exposed to excess fluoride, or is due to the consumption of stained foods. Appropriate Teeth Cleaning Treatment can resolve the issue.